
Tuesday 6 December 2016

Amazing!!! This USB Thumb Drive Can Perform HIV Test With 95% Accuracy.

HIV_Virus Test

One of the things I love about technology is it's application and adaptation to every work of life. It is almost impossible in our world today to see any career in life that technology isn't applied. It can be found in sports, transportation, businesses, even in hospital and heath practices. That is why the scientists at Imperial College of London have been able to a new HIV Virus test tool, surprisingly, this HIV Testing tool is based in Computer Flash Drive! and this is definitely a major breakthrough in HIV treatment.

The scientists at Imperial College, London and UK Biotech company, DNA Electronics have created a new HIV test that is and can be carried out using a USB flash drive. In the trials performed, the device was used to test about 1,000 samples and the results came back with 95% accuracy, with an average test time of 20 minutes. This test is useful for the users that already know that they are infected with the HIV Virus and they need to keep a close eye on the HIV levels.


To use the USB for testing of HIV levels, the patient, will have to put a drop of blood on the USB disk. As the test is pH-based, the changes in the acidity levels of the metal in the USB are noted by a chip in the stick. Changes are converted into an electrical signal and sent to a computer or other hand-held device.

The USB stick is made up of a complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS), A pH-mediated, point-of-care HIV-1 viral load monitoring assay that simultaneously amplifies and detects HIV-1 RNA. Below is Piktochat latest release on the lives HIV and AIDS has claimed World Wide


Always Play Safe. Abstinence still remains the best cure!!! and if you must, ***** always protect yourself *** Cares!!!